We are incredibly excited to announce our first ever partnership with the fantastic team at Feel the World travel!
Feel the World are an eco-travel company based in Germany who are committed to creating adventures that make a difference. Our journey with them started last year when one of their co-founders, Alex, explored our Bululand reforestation project. A few months later when their team was looking into how they could help offset the impact of their travellers’ in-country travel (Feel The World already offset all the carbon emissions from travellers’ flights), they got in touch with us to see if we could partner with them.
Together, the Forest Healing Foundation and Feel the World have developed a fantastic programme that we are really excited about! Here is how it works:
Feel the World will make a donation to the Foundation for every trip booking they receive;
One third of this will go into a fund for future large Foundation projects;
Two thirds will go towards planting a tree on the land of a local farmer.
Check out this video for a quick introduction:
The tree planting project has been designed to maximise the benefits to the local community:
Four out of every five trees planted will be produce trees, e.g. nutmeg, goraka, cloves, to help the farmer gain extra income once they are grown. (The last tree will be a different native species to encourage ecological diversity.)
We are planting the trees in an area that is struggling with water run-off and soil erosion, which is in turn damaging the rice harvest, so the trees should help provide increased soil water retention.
We are also employing local villagers to dig the holes, craft signs for the trees and help coordinate the project.
At the Forest Healing Foundation, we are thrilled to be working with a partner who shares our values, beliefs and most of all energy for helping the planet and communities. We believe that eco-tourism done right has a vital role to play in supporting conservation, especially in developing countries. As a generous gesture to kick off the project, Feel the World has also sponsored the protection of 500m2 of nearby forest. We are grateful for all their support so far and can’t wait to deliver great things together over the course of this partnership!